Use your competitors ad spends to your advantage

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Competitor Retargeting

DealerX Competitor Retargeting platform and Competitor Services are the answer to Google Adwords increasing costs and diminishing returns. First, we buy the “Anonymous IDs” and vehicle browsing data of the shoppers who have visited your competitors’ websites. Next, we target these IDs with display and video ads of your inventory matched to what they browsed while on your competitor’s website in real-time across our network of websites, Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat on their PC, Tablet or Mobile Device.

The Competitor Retargeting Platform leverages “Conquest”, digitally, in every sense of the word. From Conquest Pay Per Click to Competitor Retargeting our all encompassing Competitor Ad Network leverages competitor ad spends to your dealership’s advantage.

What kind of results are dealers getting from Conquest Retargeting?

Did you know the marketing dollars spent by your competitors can be used to your advantage? And, that the more money they spend, the better it is for your dealership? How? When organic and paid initiatives like TV, Radio, Direct Mail, eMail Blasts drive visitors to a dealership website they leave behind the equivalent of digital fingerprint.

Third parties who are “plugged-in” to dealership websites through offerings like chat, payment calculators and third party “piggyback tags” often act like Trojan horses. They compromise website security by selling the valuable customer browsing data out the back door for just pennies on the dollar. This data is then in a precarious position, and often ends up in the hands of your competitors.

We buy many of these in-market shoppers and their browsing data from 3rd party data brokers, sold as segments and leverage these segments exclusively for our clients. What kind of results are dealers getting from Competitor Retargeting?

Learn More About Competitor Retargeting Today!

Before Your Competitor’s Do.

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